Chargers Lakewood Ranch Competitive Banquet 2022

Chargers Lakewood Ranch Competitive Banquet 2022

This is a sample of how we could set up your banquet page on the club website.  You would have all the info about the banquet . . . .

and then it would go to the segment I embedded below and that is connected to the club's Paypal account. 

I can set up with whatever items you want in the drop-down, each with its own price point.  Someone then clicks on the dropdown, chooses a ticket type, clicks add to cart, then in the cart, they can modify how many of that ticket they want.  Then if they want one or some of the other ticket types, they click on "Continue Shopping", which takes them back to the drop-down - they choose the other ticket type, modify the quantity, and then they are ready to check out.  During the check-out process, they can pay with EITHER their Paypal account or their debit/credit card.    I will be able to see and download the transactions (and send them to you periodically so you can keep track of ticket sales).  

Note:  PayPal will charge a transaction fee for this.  I'm not yet sure how much, though.  I'll let you know.