“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.” Sherry Anderson
As a non-profit youth soccer club with 2,500 players straddling 3 different counties, much of the success of our club is attributable to great volunteers like you. Throughout each season there are various volunteer opportunities for parents and older teenagers.
For players in the Chargers Competitive Program, in order to have your $100 Volunteer Fee (per player) refunded to you, all you need to do is volunteer a minimum of 10 hours (per player) at a club-prescribed activity (Labor Day Tournament, concession stand, etc.) and document those hours on the 2024-25 Volunteer Log Form.
Each time you sign up for a volunteer event, take this form with you. Fill in the Event Date, Name and your start and end times and have the Chargers staff person associated with that event sign your form confirming you met the volunteer task time & expectations. Chargers staff signatures is required for your hours to count. Once you get to 10 hours (per player), fill out the bottom of the form and send it to Leslie Kaylor at Leslie@ChargersSoccer.com.
Click the links below to access the various volunteer opportunities available. If you only want to volunteer at your home community fields, please make sure you click the correct link below for your fields.
Labor Day Tournament - This is the largest club fundraiser of the year (at the home base of the Lakewood Ranch Chargers). Click on the following link to view and sign up for volunteer shifts for the 2024 Labor Day Tournament.
Click Here
Clearwater Campus:
Click Here!
Tampa Campus - Benito Middle School field.
CLICK HERE! for Benito Middle School Fields (10101 Cross Creek Blvd, Tampa, FL 33647)
Coming Soon! for End of the Season Tournament
Coming Soon! for Closing Ceremony
- Miscellaneous Volunteer Needs around the club - contact the person listed for each item below in interested in learning more.
- TPA Rec Program - Field set-up & breakdown for Saturday morning games at Benito Middle School. Contact Maggie Pesaresi - Maggie@ChargersSoccer.com.
- CLW Rec Program - Field set-up & breakdown for Friday night games at Sports Plex. Contact - CLWRec@ChargersSoccer.com
- TPA Rec Program - Field Lining done on Fridays at Benito Middle School. Contact Mauricio Pesaresi - Mpesaresi@ChargersSoccer.com.
- Rec Coaching with any of our 3 Recreational Programs
Thanks to all the help us make it possible for all of the kids!!